July 18, 2017

…and no one is around to hear… you know the rest. It’s a philosophical question for the ages. I have a similar query for my marketing and PR colleagues. If you create a great piece of content, but no one sees it, does it even matter? We’ve all been told that content is king, and if that is in fact true, then distribution is surely queen. A king without subjects (like content without an audience) wouldn’t be much of a king at all.

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June 13, 2018

Every so often we like to use our blog to highlight our amazing partners. One such partner is our go-to freelance writer, Maggie Van Dyke. We’ve worked with Maggie for years to produce compelling content for our clients, which has appeared in a number of top-tier publications. We asked Maggie if she could provide our readers with some tips to combat something we all struggle with in this industry at one time or another: writer’s block. Please enjoy these “insider tips” provided by Maggie, and another one of our star freelance writers, Jeni Williams:

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