January 15, 2021

As we all (should) know, social media is a valuable, even essential, tool for connecting businesses with a wider audience. At Aria Marketing, in addition to our public relations work, we lead social media programs for our healthcare clients, developing organic and paid content to boost sales and increase their digital reach. Through social media channels, our clients can share relevant news stories, promote recent coverage, and connect with other industry leaders. But, creating great social media content can only go so far; engagement from employees and a broader audience is needed to propel the content, and company, forward.

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July 17, 2020

1. Get personal

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to an increased struggle with mental health nationwide, as support systems have changed or dissipated. As folks are cooped up at home and facing national and personal tragedy, many look to social media for comfort and escape.

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May 26, 2017

Over the past 15 years, LinkedIn has changed the way people network, interact with their professional audience and even apply/recruit for job openings. With more than 500 million professionals actively using the site, getting your company onboard should be a no-brainer. While we can digress into a number of different uses of this professional platform, this blog will focus on our top recommendations for leveraging LinkedIn for your organization.

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