June 15, 2015
If I had to sum up the goals for The Pitch, I would say that they are:
- Provide useful information that helps healthcare marketing and PR professionals to do their work.
- Give our clients, employees, prospects and prospective employees a closer look at who we are, what we are interested in and what life is like at Aria.
Basically, we figure that if we can come up with content that people like to read, they will share the posts they like, and come back periodically to read new stuff. If we can do that, it should make it a lot easier for folks to find us and figure out what makes us special. It's a little dream we like to call "content marketing".
I know that these are a lot of goals for one blog, but we have a lot of contributors here at Aria to tap for content. We are also hoping to talk some of our clients and other friends of Aria into contributing as well, and we should not have any shortage of topics to address.
Here are a few of the areas we plan to focus on with the blog:
- Useful information for healthcare marketing and PR professionals:
- How to deal with positioning and messaging in healthcare IT
- How to do healthcare marketing strategy and planning
- Understanding and getting good at thought leadership
- Best practices for healthcare PR and social media
- Understanding news and trends in healthcare
- Writing tips
- Client news, including a weekly "client catch up" post
- Life at Aria:
- Interviews with staff
- Food (that's a blog topic for us)
- Jasper (our mascot) updates
- Our thoughts on and reaction to the latest, greatest healthcare news
- Other fun and frivolity
Finally, we would really like to hear from you. So use the link in the right hand column on the page to let us know if there is anything you would like us to write about. We want to cover what you want to read about, so just let us know what that is and we will get on it!
Thanks for spending some time with The Pitch today, and please come back soon. We plan to have a least one new post a week.

Have Questions?
Email us at info@ariamarketing.com
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