March 28, 2017
By Scott Collins
The recent attempt at passing a healthcare reform bill through the House of Representatives highlights both the widely divergent opinions on the ACA as well as the strong desire among many legislators on both sides to find ways to improve the way healthcare works for many of their constituents. I hope this will be an opportunity to build a coalition for rational healthcare reform that includes strong representation from both sides of the aisle. Could that even be possible? I think the answer to that question depends on where you think our political leaders see public opinion headed.
Read MoreMarch 20, 2017
By Ross Homer
Over the past few weeks at Aria Marketing, we’ve been fortunate enough to bring on three new members of the public relations team. And, we thought a fun way to welcome Account Executives Ashley Owen and Risha Tyagi, and Account Coordinator Norissa Morse, would be with an old-school ice-breaker: Two Truths and a Lie. Thankfully, they were up for the challenge. Check out their responses and see if you can guess which ones are the lies!
Read MoreMarch 13, 2017
By Katie Schur
#HIMSSanity wasn’t the only thing keeping us busy in February. We were also helping our clients announce product launches, industry surveys, major wins, new partnerships and much more! Here’s a few highlights from the past month:
Read MoreMarch 8, 2017
Another year, another successful HIMSS in the books! With nearly a dozen clients in attendance, our team definitely felt the #HIMSSanity! While we were at the conference staffing press meetings and attending sessions, we were able to get a good sense of the hot healthcare topics on the show floor. Following is a recap of the top four HIMSS themes, according to Aria.
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