July 26, 2016
If you follow us on social media, you know that at Aria, we love to celebrate any and all major milestones. Well, we recently celebrated an old one… oops, I mean “a big one,” as our President, Scott Collins, just hit the big 5-0! In honor of Scott’s birthday, we asked him to share some little known facts about himself:
1. Scott was born on July 2, 1966 in New York City. To put things in perspective, the original Star Trek television series premiered that September and the average cost of a new home was $23,300. Safe to say, times have changed!
2. His full name is actually Stuart Nash Scott Collins (don’t call him “Stu”) - named for his great uncle, Stuart Nash Scott, who served as the Ambassador to Portugal under President Nixon from 1973 to 1975.
3. His first exposure to PR came in a class at Emerson College in 1991, when an old-school Associated Press stringer-turned-PR guy and part-time adjunct professor taught him the basics as part of his master’s degree program.
4. After school, he came up through some of the area’s premier high-tech agencies, where he was tasked with figuring out how best to leverage an emerging new technology known as “the internet.”
5. Over the years, Scott has taught PR as a professor of communications writing at Emerson, and has spoken at multiple PR and marketing conferences, sharing his experience and expertise with current and future PR professionals.
6. He is a true animal-lover – Scott, his wife Shaela, and their two children, Frances and Ferris, have rescued many pets, including six former racing greyhounds. Their two current dogs, Sammy and Jasper, are frequent visitors to the Aria office!
Hopefully you learned some new things about our President! Happy birthday, again, Scott, and here’s to many more years of leadership and mentorship. If you’d like to learn more about the Aria culture, visit our website at www.ariamarketing.com or engage with us onTwitter, Instagram, Facebook and LinkedIn.

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