October 5, 2016

As we start brewing our pumpkin spice lattes and getting our #basic on in cable knit and Uggs, we’re also getting pumped for all that autumn has to offer with AHIMA, MGMA, and client user-groups on the horizon. But before we say goodbye to summer and jump into the fall conference schedule, check out our clients’ highlights from September:


  • Medfusion CEO, Kim Labow, shared her insights on improving the patient experience in Becker’s Hospital Review and Health Data Management, where she warns against putting Meaningful Use in the bucket of “government regulations,” which doesn’t fully represent the intent to empower patients with data.
  • MAeHC’s Director of Advisory Services, Mark Belanger, discussed the challenges behavioral healthcare organizations face when participating in an HIE, and steps to ensure a successful transition in Behavioral Healthcare.
  • Veronica Anzalone, Clinical Appeals Specialist at Craneware, wrote a blog post on the evolution of MACRA titled “MACRA and the Evolution of Meaningful Use: The Risk to APRNs” which you can read on HITECHAnswers.net.
  • Tom Lee, CEO and Founder of SA Ignite, shared the best next steps for providers to take in regards to the new MACRA “pick your own pace” options with Healthcare Informatics and Becker’s ASC Review.
  • IBM Watson Health’s VP, Dr. Anil Jain, chatted with Rajiv Leventhal at Healthcare Informatics about whether healthcare is ready for the next generation of patients. (Spoiler alert: it’s not. Yet.)
  • Karen Handmaker, VP of Population Health Strategies at IBM Watson Health, shared with Behavioral Healthcare how the company is using its technology to allow providers to predict behavioral health risks, which is pretty sick (pun intended!) because it allows providers to diagnose early, diagnose often.


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Blog post written by:
Taylor VerMeer
Author: Taylor VerMeer
Account Executive